Choose Strategic Communications Partner has been recognized for its exceptional work on the 1555 unified multi-channel communication and citizen service system with two prestigious awards at the ΔΕΗ BITE Awards 2023. The company shared the spotlight with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Deloitte, Cosmote e-Value, Choose has been recognised for its outstanding work on the 1555 unified multi-channel communication and citizen service system, earning two prestigious awards at the ΔΕΗ BITE Awards 2023. The company shared the spotlight with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Deloitte, Cosmote e-Value, and Mediatel.
Choose was honoured with:
- Gold Award in the Applications/Services for Public Administration category
- Silver Award in the Central Public Administration category
These accolades highlight the success of the 1555 service in transforming the citizen experience. By delivering swift, reliable information and cutting through bureaucratic red tape, the platform has significantly enhanced public trust in the government.
Now in their twelfth year, the ΔΕΗ BITE Awards are a leading authority on recognising technological innovation in Greece. Choose’s double victory reinforces its position as a pioneer in creating cutting-edge solutions for the public sector.